Restarting my jewellery workshops safely during Covid-19
As you can imagine, I’ve been busy planning how my jewellery workshops and private 1-1 tuition might work when I reopen. Back in early March, I was excited, busily moving to a larger studio so I could expand my workshop sessions. Only a week later I was forced to put all of my plans on hold, as well as everyone who had booked places on my wax carving workshops. I thank everyone who has been patiently waiting.
I have adapted how we work in the workshop to try and make our learning environment as safe and enjoyable as possible during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Below I outline some of the key measures to help prevent the spread of the virus while observing government guidelines, please read through them all. If you have any questions or concerns please email me on jewellery@aimeewinstone.com
- Classes have currently been limited to 3 people based on current government guidelines. If guidelines change I may increase class numbers.
- 1+ Metre distancing is to be observed between students at all times.
- Two people will sit side by side on the larger bench rather than 4 people sharing the one table. There will be a perspex screen between each pair of students, although if 2 people are from the same household that screen can be removed. There will be a separate bench for a 3rd person.
- My bench will be placed with an acrylic screen across the back so you can watch demonstrations without worrying about distancing. There will also be a screen to separate 2 people watching demonstrations at one time.
- Face masks must be worn when students are away from their benches. I will wear a face shield rather than a face mask to make it easier for people to understand me when I am teaching.
- There are gloves which you are able to use if you wish. You will be asked to remove any PPE deemed to be dangerous while using some equipment in the workshop (for example wearing gloves on the polishing motor), you must remove it or I cannot let you continue on that task due to safety risks.
- I have disposable aprons available to use rather than the usual cotton aprons.
- Please use the hand sanitiser on entering the workshop and throughout the session, this will be provided. There is also a sink with hand wash to wash your hands thoroughly. Hand washing will be very much enforced in the workshop.
- The windows and doors will be open to allow for maximum ventilation.
- Please bring your own drinks and snacks during this time to reduce any germs spreading.
- All benches will have their own toolboxes, however, if you have your own tools I would appreciate it if you brought them with you. Tools will be cleaned before and after each workshop.
- Studio worksurfaces, door handles, light switches will be cleaned before and after each class.
- There will be tools that we have to share, all these must be wiped down after you use them so they are ready for the next student – there will be wipes, disinfectant and paper towel stationed all around the workshop to clean shared tools.
- Try to stay at your bench as much as possible. If you need to move around the workshop to use a tool, let your fellow students know to help us all social distance.
- Record keeping: As is required, I will be keeping a record of workshop attendees in case that information is needed for COVID-19 track and tracing. Of course, my records will be kept confidential and safe as always.
- Should you feel unwell with Coronavirus symptoms please do not attend your booked class, I will book you in for an alternative workshop date. I don’t want anybody to come along who is suffering symptoms of Coronavirus, but I ask that you also respect this doesn’t mean you should cancel a class for another reason. I am trying to accommodate everybody in very difficult times, keep everybody safe, and keep the business afloat.
- If another lockdown comes into force, I will close immediately and deal with classes and refunds for classes if and when it happens.
- I’ll do my best to follow safety guidelines to minimise any risk to any visitors, however, this isn’t a guarantee, the virus is very much a risk to some more than others, I have invested in more tools and rearranged the workshop to the best of my ability.
- Ultimately I still want my workshops to be fun, relaxed and as social as possible. We all need some time out!
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